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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19919
This Months Entries: 10
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squiz (6 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 13 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

14th November 2009
Windsurfing: Hayling Island
Wind Direction: SW'ly
Wind Stength: F10
Surf / Sea State: Insane waves and chop
Air Temperature: 13
Sea Temperature: 12
Weather: Extreme
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Nothing much more to say about the weather - it's was utterly bonkers down at Hayling, but that's well documented. The most impressive bit was high tide in the morning, when the whole seafront was exploding with spray and seaweed!

I barely sailed really - a couple of death or glory runs for about 100 yds, then back to the beach!! I could barely hold on to my 4.2 and I don't have anything smaller! Still, I'm glad I'm able to say I sailed at all. It's a shame it didn't back off a little to be a bit more sailable - the waves looked playful, if small and wind blown. I may get a skive on Wednesday if all goes well though, so I may yet log some decent TOW this week...
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